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Dunsborough Concrete Contractors

The Soulos family have been long term clients of Personify with our first project completed for them in 2014. We were initially approached by Krystal who found us via the Southern Exposed Concrete site (retired) we had designed, which had been out-ranking other websites for concreting-related services in Bunbury and the Southwest.

The first iteration of their business was Soulay Contracting. The initial goal of their first website iteration was to ensure that the Soulay Contracting site presented the full range of Soulay Contracting’s concreting services. It was also a goal of the site to produce search engine results for concreting application searches in Bunbury and the surrounding towns such as Collie and Busselton.

Their website quickly outperformed competitors in the South West region to sit alongside our other client, Southern Exposed Concrete, with the two websites competing for the top two positions in the Google search results for a plethora of concreting relating searches, for almost every locality in the South West of Western Australia.

Step forward to 2020, and the business had rebranded to Dunsborough Concrete Contractors. We liaised with our clients and suggested a new website design to meet current website standards, which had rapidly evolved since 2014. The new design allowed us to showcase the work of Dunsborough Concrete Contractors alongside the clients that they contract to which include, the City of Busselton and Dale Alcock Homes. It was important for us to communicate the professionalism of the Dunsborough Concrete Contractors team to establish trust in their marketplace.

The website was moulded around the initial concept of localised searches to capture as many organic search results for their target market throughout the South West of WA. The business continues to benefit from top 1 or 2 ranking positions throughout the South West region in a market that has become more competitive over the 10 years that Personify has been assisting the business.


Contact us if you would like to experience personal service, effective design and outstanding outcomes for your website design project.



A new website for align with the updated branding of an existing Personify client.

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Since 2010, Personify has been championing small businesses through the design of modern and effective websites. Since this time, Personify has grown a stable of loyal and trusted clients that we are proud to assist. Contact us to discuss how we can help your small business.
